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Tuesday 11 June 2013

New Electric Supercar From Tesla, A work of Art & Finaicial Success

Tesla Motors, an electric car making company – which originally inspired from the free energy genius Nikola Telsa-, is releasing their first very highly anticipated product, the Model S.  Not only a sleek beautiful design, electricity based, and a 15” by 30” touch screen control system, but the company has also paid off its massive loans 9 years early.
These loans averaged to about $451.8 million, and came from the Department of Energy, from the feds and the American taxpayers, which CEO Elon Musk (as pictured above) proudly announced in a press conference recently. Not only had that but the Model S received a stock offering of $1 billion as well. To say the least, Tesla is doing well.
As a self-pronounced car fanatic, and a fan of new and innovative technologies I am very excited about the Model S. Although other new inspiring electric cars have been dropping, like the Solyndra and Fisker, Tesla has some off the most exciting attributes as a work of art, and the most promising financial figures that I have looked at.
Of course you may ask about the price. The Model S has been selling at $57,000 on the marketplace. Now the price may be out of most people’s price range and that is totally understandable. Tesla is in the process releasing a EV model available to the mass-market. The only issue is time. We’ll have to wait three to four years before we see the car on the marketplace. If you’re looking for a attractive car which both looks good in the environment and is good for the environment keep all senses open for new updates!
Tesla Pays Off All $465M in Federal Loans 9 Years Early
By Damon Lavrinc

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