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Monday 17 June 2013

Gardener of South Central L.A. Grows Gardens for Free

Ever heard of the entire communities in Eastern Europe that have massive gardens in place of pools? Where communities come together to grow and share their own food? Well the North America may be finally catching on.
Gardening and eating your own food was just brought to the suburbs of South Central LA by a Ron Finley, a guerrilla gardener. He says in a TED talk "that when kids grow their food, they eat that food" It’s no surprise but most cities don’t boast healthy food as the norm for inner-city folk.
After having a warrant for his garden that he planted on city land outside his house, on the strip of land between the sidewalk and the street, Ron has gone on a spree of planting gardens wherever he sees a need. With planting a garden at a homeless shelter in downtown LA, to helping the members of communities appreciate the beauty in planting and maintaining your own food supply.
Finley says that the city of LA owns 26 sq miles of vacant lots, which in equivalent to 20 central parks and could grow 724,838,400 tomato plants. He asks why the city would not allow garden planting to be alright.  He’s got my attention and it seems like its how the rest of the world has enough to eating rural areas. So why don’t we try this. Start planting your own gardens and you’ll see the health benefits, environmental benefits and cultural benefits that having your own garden gives. My family has already started our own garden and it’s extremely beneficial.
Ron Finley has more to say on urban gardens in his TED talk here.

By Good News Network Saturday, March 23, 2013

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